Powers Scientific, Inc.
Drosophila and Small Insect Chambers
Our flexible insect chambers are designed for research applications involving Drosophila melanogaster, mosquitos, or other insects. The chambers can be outfitted with timed lighting and/or additive humidity generation, among other options.

Refrigerators and Freezers
Powers Scientific offers a wide array of refrigerators to suit many applications such as vaccine storage, reagent storage, liquid chromatography, flammable liquid storage, and more.
Powers Scientific offers many different incubators to suit a variety of applications. With our refrigerated incubators capable of operating across a temperature range of 2-50°C, and our humidified incubators capable of reaching 80% RH, we can provide chambers for applications ranging from BOD studies, to zebrafish research, to ninhydrin acceleration and more.

Rodent Incubators
With a temperature range of 6.5-50°C, our rodent incubators offer flexibility in environmental conditions for rodent housing. These chambers utilize a fresh air ventiliation system capable of 15 air exchanges per hour, and come equipped with clock-controlled lights among other features.
Diurnal Plant Growth Chambers
When you need day/night temperature and lighting control for plant studies, our diurnal chambers can meet your needs. These chambers are also capable of running cold studies; they have an operating temperature range from 2-50°C.

Plant Tissue Culture Chambers
Our plant tissue culture chamber was designed for micro-propagating Arabidopsis thaliana or other plant species from tissue cultures. These chambers can operate from a low of 5°C (lights off) to a high of 50°C (lights on).
Plant Tissue Culture Chambers
Our plant tissue culture chamber was designed for micro-propagating Arabidopsis thaliana or other plant species from tissue cultures. These chambers can operate from a low of 5°C (lights off) to a high of 50°C (lights on).

Protein Crystal Growth Chambers
Powers Scientific crystal growth chambers provide a temperature-controlled, low-vibration environment to allow for optimum crystalline development. Low-vibration packages are also available for any of our refrigerated incubator models.
Temperature and Temperature/RH Stability Chambers
For shelf life stability testing in the pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, and nutraceutical industries, our stability chambers are designed to provide controlled temperature and humidity testing environments in accordance with FDA and ICH guidelines.

Photostability Chambers
Photostability chambers provide high intensity lighting for pharmaceutical stability studies conducted under ICH guidelines. Each shelf has a light array that combines black and cool white fluorescent bulbs to satisfy the ICH definition for Option 2 lighting.
From Our Blog
Routine Maintenance for Refrigerators and Incubators
Powers Scientific chambers are built to last: it’s not uncommon for us to receive requests for parts for equipment that is more than 15 years old. Some simple routine maintenance is an easy way to reduce electricity consumption, prevent costly breakdowns, and extend...
How Do We Forget?
Sometimes, forgetting something is just as important as remembering it. Unimportant memories take up space that could be better utilized to collect newer, more useful information. The details of memory formation are not well understood, although it is expected that...
Brain Imaging in Zebrafish
An adult human brain contains approximately 86 billion neurons, along with about 85 billion non-neuronal cells. All those cells work together to manage motor control, sensory perception, heart rate, breathing, and more. While the human brain is extremely complex, with...